Spanish Siesta: The Art of Afternoon Relaxation


Spanish Siesta: The Art of Afternoon Relaxation



If you are planning to visit Spain, understanding and embracing the concept of “La Siesta” is essential. Many shops and businesses close during this time, typically between 2 PM and 4 PM, so it’s advisable to plan your activities accordingly. What’s more, you may even want to consider taking a siesta yourself, especially if you’re feeling tired or overwhelmed. While the Spanish siesta has become less common in urban areas due to modern work schedules, it remains deeply ingrained in the culture, particularly in rural regions and among older generations.




Its iss a short nap taken in the early afternoon, often after the midday meal. It is a tradition in many cultures, particularly in countries with warm climates, such as Spain, Greece, and some Latin American countries. The word itself  means “nap” or “rest.”

The practice of taking a siesta is based on the idea of avoiding the hottest part of the day and allowing people to rest and recharge for the remaining activities of the day. During a siesta, people typically take a brief nap or rest for 20 minutes to a couple of hours. It’s a way to combat fatigue and improve productivity, especially in regions where the midday heat can be quite intense.


spanish siesta


The Spanish “Siesta” is not just about taking a nap; it’s an art of afternoon relaxation that has become a cherished part of Spanish daily life. La Siesta provides a valuable opportunity for Spaniards to recharge and rejuvenate before continuing with their day’s activities. By prioritizing rest during the day, individuals can avoid burnout and maintain their overall sense of well-being. It serves as a reminder that self-care should be an integral part of our daily routines.







But La Siesta is more than just a simple nap; it’s a time for rest, reflection, and relaxation, enabling people to return to work more energized and motivated. Spain Internship Experience recognizes the importance of this cultural practice and encourages participants to embrace the art of afternoon relaxation. There are many compelling benefits to La Siesta:


  • Improves Alertness and Cognitive Function: Taking a siesta can lead to increased alertness and improved cognitive function. It’s like pressing the reset button on your brain, allowing you to tackle the rest of the day with renewed mental clarity.
  • Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Midday rest can significantly reduce stress and anxiety. Stepping away from work and responsibilities for a short time promotes relaxation and reduces the tensions of the day.
  • Enhances Mood and Overall Well-being: A siesta contributes to a better mood and a general sense of well-being. It’s a brief escape from daily pressures, providing a positive mental break.
  • Improves Sleep Quality at Night: Contrary to concerns about it affecting nighttime sleep, a siesta can improve sleep quality. When done correctly, it helps regulate your sleep cycle.
  • Reduces the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke: Studies have shown that regular short naps can have a positive impact on heart health, reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke.



During the siesta hours, don’t be surprised to see many shops and businesses closing their doors, as locals retreat indoors for some well-deserved rest. The Spanish understand that a quick power nap can work wonders for productivity and mood in the long run. It’s all about expanding productivity by offering a chance to recharge one’s energy levels, resulting in heightened focus and efficiency during work or study.


Whether you find a cozy spot under a shady tree or lounge on a sun-soaked terrace, embrace the tranquility that comes with this cherished tradition. So, why not grab your comfiest pillow, close your eyes, and immerse yourself in this glorious cultural practice during your internship adventure in Spain? Just don’t forget to set an alarm so you don’t sleep longer than expected. ¡Buena Siesta!



Interested in Spanish culture? Through our website or Whatsapp you can find an internship offers in Spain! This is your call, join us!


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